Calculate the Future Investment Value and the Compound Interest earned by a principal of 600.00 (Dollar, Euro, Pound, ...), initial amount of money lent, deposited or borrowed, with a duration of 9 months, 1.00% annual interest rate, compounded daily (360 times a year)

Calculation formula. Used notations. Project Breakdown.

[1] Calculation method used: 30 / 360

Number of days in a month = 30

Number of days in a year = 360

[2] Future Investment Value, FV
Calculation formula:

FV =

P × (1 + r/n)n×t

FV, Future Investment Value

P, Principal (initial amount), P = 600.00

r, Annual compound interest rate, r = 1.00%

n, Number of times the interest compounds during a year
Compound frequency: daily (360 times a year)
n = 360

r/n = 1.00%/360 = (1.00 ÷ 100)/360 = 1.00/(100 × 360)
r/n = 0.000027777778

t, Duration of the investment
n×t, Duration of the investment, related to n

n×t =

+ 9 months × 30 days / month

n×t = 270 days

>> Compound Interest: what is it, how is it calculated?

Calculate FV
Substitute for the values in the FV formula:

FV =

P × (1 + r/n)n×t =

600.00 × (1 + 0.000027777778)270 =

600.00 × 1.000027777778270 =

600.00 × 1.007528090556 ≈


[3] Compound interest amount, CI
Calculation formula

CI = FV - P

CI, compound interest amount

FV, Future Investment Value

P, Principal (initial amount)

CI ≈

604.52 - 600.00 ≈


[4] Project Breakdown. Monthly.

Interest compounded: daily (360 times a year).

Month Days Interest Total
0 0 -- -- 600.00
1 30 0.50 0.50 600.50
2 30 0.50 1.00 601.00
3 30 0.50 1.50 601.50
4 30 0.50 2.00 602.00
5 30 0.50 2.51 602.51
6 30 0.50 3.01 603.01
7 30 0.50 3.51 603.51
8 30 0.50 4.01 604.01
9 30 0.50 4.52 604.52
Month Days Interest Total


Principal (initial amount) = 600.00

Future Investment Value = 604.52

Compound interest amount = 4.52

More calculations on Compound Interest and Future Investment Value:

Calculator: Compound Interest, Future Investment Value

FV = P × (1 + r/n)n×t + A × [(1 + r/m)m×t - 1] ÷ r/m

FV = Future Value of investment

P = Principal amount invested (the original contribution)

A = Regular contribution (additional money added periodically to the initial investment, P)

r = Annual Interest Rate the investment is earning

n = Number of times the interest compounds during a year

m = Number of times the regular contribution is made during a year

t = Number of years the investment is going to be active

t and r are expressed using the same time units

The Latest Calculations: Compound Interest Amounts and Future Investment Values

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All the Calculations: Compound Interest Amounts and Future Investment Values

Compound interest.

Interest. Simple and compound interest. Differences.

How is the compound interest being calculated?

>> Full article: compound interest